The show, called “Characters” incorporated elaborately whimsical visual elements designed to accomplish a simple goal: “to let other people know it’s okay to appreciate yourself and be comfortable with yourself,” said producer, choreographer and solo...
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The show, called “Characters” incorporated elaborately whimsical visual elements designed to accomplish a simple goal: “to let other people know it’s okay to appreciate yourself and be comfortable with yourself,” said producer, choreographer and solo performer Katherine Helen Fisher, who Madison Cario, Director of Georgia Tech’s Office of the Arts, commissioned to create the piece.
While developing the performance, Cario connected Fisher with Client Zeagler, program manager for the Wearable Computing Center. Inspired by the possibilities found at the intersection of art and science, the duo worked to create wearable technology for the show.
Designed by Clint Zeagler and Scott Gilliland
Collaboration Team: Laura Levy, Madison Cario, Lane Conville-Canney, Esther Famojure, Scott Gililand, Katherine Helen Fisher, and Shimmy Boyle.
Categories: Technology, Future