How I Ended Up in The Sunken Place Eating Asian Food
We start this episode in the sunken place. There is literally a place called Sunken Park in Atlanta. So we already start off on the wrong foot. But maybe it gets better... On this episode of Vegan This Not That, Kimberly (@mightBvegan) visits Doc Ch...
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How I Ended Up in The Sunken Place Eating Asian Food
We start this episode in the sunken place. There is literally a place called Sunken Park in Atlanta. So we already start off on the wrong foot. But maybe it gets better...
On this episode of Vegan This Not That, Kimberly (@mightBvegan) visits Doc Chey's Noodle House. Providing Pan-Asian cuisine since 1997, Doc Chey's is the recipient of the "Best Chinese '17" award from NextDoor, "Best Noodle Bowl '16" (12 year winner) from INsite Atlanta, and "Best Take-Out '16 (5 year winner)" from GA Voice. So I guess ya'll saying the food is good.
But do you serve vegans, though? That’s not so clear…
A special thanks to the Culture Vegan production team (instagram.com/culture_vegan) for helping to bring this to life.
And to our sponsors:
Know Definition | instagram.com/know.definition | knowdefinition.com (Black AF Tee) Instagram.com/cre8it2flo (Jewelry) Instagram.com/gorjesssssz (Kimberly’s Makeup)
Be sure to follow Kimberly for more fun, food and misadventures on…
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